Santa Clara County's Premier Option for Veterinary Cardiology Services
About MVVC
MVVC works side-by-side, in direct collaboration, with veterinary practitioners to provide unparalleled cardiac care for patients with heart disease. Dr. Kienle, a board certified veterinary cardiologist, and founder of MVVC, is dedicated to work directly with veterinarians and families usually in the familiarity and comfort of their local clinic.
MVVC services are offered through mobile on-site consultation, telemedicine and, when necessary, by referral.
MVVC provides complete, comprehensive, long-term case management and sound therapeutic recommendations which include both medical management and minimally invasive surgical / interventional procedures.
Mission Statement
To provide the highest quality services for:
- The treatment of cardiovascular disease in small and large animal species
- The enhancement of cardiovascular health management and preventative care
- The enhancement and advancement of cardiovascular research
- The recognition and dissemination of new knowledge
Company Values
Progressive and responsive service with the following values:
MVVC is committed to providing efficient, quality, veterinary services in collaboration with the pet's family, and the home veterinary team.
Respecting the consultant-practitioner relationship, the client's wishes, and the pet is of utmost importance to Dr. Kienle.
Veterinary consulting and services disseminated with empathy for the pet, the pet's family, and the vet clinic. Decisions are made in collaboration with all parties regarding the pet's wellbeing.
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MVVC operates under the most advanced, empirically based practices in veterinary cardiology. A commitment to continued state-of-the-art competency is set as a high priority.
All services are disseminated with courtesy, open communication, and mutual support between Dr. Kienle, the home clinic, and the pet's family. No decisions are made without consultation of the family.
In keeping a positive attitude, remaining flexible and motivated, and pursuing innovation, Dr. Kienle strives to be the best leader he can with respect to his specialty.
With a commitment to remain honest, accountable, and trustworthy, Dr. Kienle conducts all services with professionalism and integrity.

About Dr. Kienle
Dr. Kienle is a veterinary cardiologist board certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Dr. Kienle has experience in teaching, animal research, biomedical research, academic practice and private practice (both referral and mobile). After a short stint in academics, Dr. Kienle has been in private practice and private biomedical research consulting. Dr. Kienle has been providing mobile cardiology services to the Bay Area and Central Coast of California since 1996. He was on staff at Bay Area Veterinary Specialists from 1998 to 2018 accepting traditional referrals and providing minimally invasive surgical procedures and cardiac catheterizations. Dr. Kienle is skilled and experienced in all aspects of veterinary cardiology. Currently, he continues his mobile cardiology service and sees referrals part-time at Fresno Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center.
Dr. Kienle is married to Betsy Kienle and has two adult children - Abby Kienle and Reed Kienle. When not treating animal hearts, Dr. Kienle enjoys playing bass guitar in secular and christian bands, enjoys wrenching and restoring classic cars, and enjoys the quite serenity of his 20 acre ranch in Wilton, California, with an endless supply of projects and chores to do. At times Dr. Kienle can be found cruising the back country roads on his Harley-Davidson Road King.